The Pro Wrestling Exuberant Podcast has more ‘80s centric wrestling stories, as well as talk on the modern professional wrestling scene.
the first ten wrestlers I would sign for an AEW territory/developmental promotion if I was appointed the head promoter/booker, and the case for why each should be signed (36:39).
a profile of the wrestler I believe will be the number one star in all of wrestling within a couple of years, headlining either WWE or AEW into the 2030s (27:05).
memories of The Four Horsemen from the mid ‘80s (4:10)
a review of the ‘80s centric book Keirn Chronicles Volume One: The Fabulous Wrestling Life of Steve Keirn (01:14:17)
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written coverage of outstanding independent wrestlers, who will be the future stars of WWE and AEW, and coverage of the promotions they currently wrestle for
My other podcast, Only The Best Independent Wrestling Podcast, where I showcase an assortment of outstanding independent wrestlers and a curated collection of their recent matches from first-rate independent promotions
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